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Our response to the Industrial Strategy

Our response to the Industrial Strategy

23 January 2017

The launch of today's industrial strategy is a welcome commitment to supporting economic growth across the country. The focus on innovation and place sets the right direction and we are encouraged by the commitments made on skills, infrastructure and increased investment in R&D.

Building on this, it is now important that design and design innovation are embedded into the strategy and play a central role moving forward.

Design is used to drive innovation and to make our economy more competitive. Design occupations are highly productive, with the design economy alone contributing 7.2 per cent of the total UK economy (£71.7bn in GVA).

Clare Devine, Executive Director for Architecture, Built Environment & Design, said: “Design skills are an important component of the high-value jobs that this strategy is looking to create. Design enables businesses to connect to people and respond to challenges in a unique and disciplined way. It is often the catalyst for new products and services which respond to global challenges and drive change.

Successful industrial policy needs well-designed environments that are inclusive, dynamic and resilient.

Clare Devine, Executive Director of Architecture, Built Environment and Design

“Successful industrial policy needs well-designed environments that are inclusive, dynamic and resilient. Places that can access and attract talent while also having the resources to upskill local people. Places that have access to infrastructure and skills while recognising the vital roles that health and wellbeing, creativity and culture have for economic growth.

“All of this requires joined-up policy across government. We welcome this important first step and will work hard with the government to embed design as a key component of a successful, long-term industrial strategy for the UK.”

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