Cabe's new partnership to ensure better homes for Britain

Design Council Cabe has joined forces with the Good Homes Alliance to help build better homes.
As part of the collaboration we will create a toolkit to support the development of ‘good homes' by which we define as well designed, appropriately sized, sustainable and meeting the aspirations of local communities.
The toolkit that will enable local communities, developers and other stakeholders to share aspirations for a specific new development in a realistic and meaningful way, early enough in the process to influence the design. This collaboration will unite best practice on two key elements of good development – design and sustainability.
With the financial support of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation we have tested a prototype on three live projects in Bristol, Uppingham and Sherston. We are now looking for potential partners to work with us to test the toolkit out on up to 8 more live housing projects. If you are interested, please get in touch.
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