New measures put in place to help designers protect their rights

Today, the government announced a small but important change to the way that registered design rights operate in the UK.
Currently, when registering IP rights in a design, designers are required to mark the product with the word ‘registered’, along with the associated details. This can represent a significant cost to design businesses who must re-mark their products whenever the rights status changes.
The new proposals aim to allow designers to simply mark the product with a web address, which can be updated more easily.
This change, although small, has the potential to save design businesses significant time and money.
John Mathers, Chief Executive, Design Council
John Mathers, Chief Executive of Design Council, commented:
“It is fantastic that the IPO is now looking at this issue. This change, although small, has the potential to save design businesses significant time and money. It will bring us in line with the US, and is the same approach that has successfully been taken with patents here in the UK.
Design rights have been long-neglected in this country. With more common-sense changes like these, we are on the road towards ensuring they are fit for purpose in the 21st century. Design Council are supportive of the proposals, and will be responding favourably to the consultation.”
If you would like to get involved in the call for evidence, it is available at Webmarking for registered design rights: call for evidence.
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