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Camilla Ween

She works at the intersection of urban design and transportation, specialising in climate resilient and socially equitable urbanism. The creation of people-centered urban settlements that integrate socially equitable transport networks and democratic public spaces is central to her work.

She is a Harvard University Loeb Fellow, member of the RIBA and the Chartered institution of Highways and Transportation. She is a member of the UK High Street Task Force, a Design Council Expert and sits on many design review panels.

She is a Steering Committee member of the UN Urban Economy Forum, which aims to help cities deliver the Sustainability Development Goals. She is Head of Communications for ConnectedCities and chairs the advisory panel of thinktank Farecity.

She is a member of London Living Streets and Wandsworth Living Streets. Camilla worked for Transport for London for 11 years, advising the London mayors on the integration of development and land use policy. She has worked in Africa, Central and South America and Asia. She has written several books and articles on urbanism, transport and future cities. She is a regular lecturer at international conferences and universities.

Camilla Ween
