Maggie Baddeley
Maggie is a chartered town planner and a chartered surveyor (planning and development). She is a Public Practice Alum and currently a principal strategic planner with the Greater London Authority, where, working in the London Plan team, she is policy lead on various sustainable infrastructure topics that include air quality, the circular economy (also relating to whole life carbon and net zero), and energy. Maggie is a design review panel joint chair for the joint planning service of the City and South Cambridgeshire Councils; she is also a panel member elsewhere in the south east and the East of England and one of two vice-chairs of the Essex Quality Review Panel.
She was previously a senior associate with Tibbalds Planning and Urban Design, working on all scales of development projects for private and public sector clients from tender to delivery stages. As England policy lead with the Royal Town Planning Institute, she was responsible for the Urban Design Network and its heritage off-shoot; responding to Government consultations; contributing to RTPI campaigns; supporting colleagues with her detailed understanding of law/policy in practice (gained while a planning director at Lichfields); and leading on the RTPI’s research report ‘Planning and Design Quality.’