Lindsay Whitley
Lindsay is an urban designer, chartered town planner (MRTPI), and programme manager. Using well-honed skills in placemaking, strategy, and communication, Lindsay's current role is on the innovative One Public Estate programme. A partnership between the Local Government Association, Cabinet Office, and DLUHC, she promotes collaboration between public sector partners to repurpose surplus public estate to kickstart regeneration, transform public service delivery, and unlock sites for new homes.
In a broad-spanning career holding senior positions in public and private sector organizations, Lindsay has a demonstrable track record of leading multi-disciplinary teams to successfully deliver both prolific and smaller-scale masterplanning, development, and design projects with many secured through competitive processes. Holding both Planning and Urban Design Master’s Degrees with distinctions, Lindsay is keen to support design education, promote placemaking, and advocate for citizen interaction with the built environment. To date, this has included volunteering and committee positions for Planning Aid and RTPI NW (RTPI Regional NW Chair 2013), as an RTPI Partnership Board Member for the University of Liverpool, and as an RTPI Nurture Mentor. Having previously served as an external examiner for Sheffield Hallam University, Lindsay continues to support design education as an ad-hoc guest lecturer at the University of Manchester. She is also a RIBA Places Matter Design Review Panel Member.