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384 results:



Our network of experts are design pioneers who work with us to advocate for design, share knowledge about best practice and help us deliver advice and programmes.

Megha Wadhawan

Megha Wadhawan

Megha has over a decade and a half of experience in design. She is a seasoned design leader who works on complex social challenges, building design maturity and scaling design across private, public,…

Melissa Sterry

Melissa Sterry

Melissa Sterry is a design scientist, complex systems theorist, biofuturist, and transdisciplinary designer. She is the founder/director of London-based biofuturism consultancy Bioratorium® [Est.…

Merryn Haines-Gadd

Merryn Haines-Gadd

Merryn is a specialist in design and innovation for sustainability and is a passionate advocate for using design and strategic systems thinking to solve environmental challenges. For the last five…

Natasha Trotman

Natasha Trotman

Natasha Trotman is an Equalities Designer and Researcher whose practice explores extending the frontiers of knowledge around neurodivergence and cognitive difference (inclusive of acquired…

Ned Gartside

Ned Gartside

Ned is a service designer at the UK’s Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, where he spends half his time working on the design of a new UK-wide digital waste-tracking service,…

Nick Christoforou

Nick Christoforou

Nick is passionate about giving the ideas and organizations that are making our world a better place the platform they deserve. That's why he co-founded the creative agency Neo back in the early…

Phillippa Rose

Phillippa Rose

Phillippa is a leading practitioner and educator in user research, design and innovation with 20 years experience. She founded Current Works in 2015 enabling people-centred and purpose-driven…

Rachael Dietkus

Rachael Dietkus

Rachael Dietkus is a social worker-designer specializing in integrating care ethics and trauma awareness into design, social work, and technology. Her design care approach emphasizes an ethic of care…

Rachel Jones

Rachel Jones

Rachel is a highly experienced leader in design and innovation who helps organisations turn new technologies into products. Recently Design Director at Ford’s human-centred design studio, Rachel…