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Dr Matthew Jones

He is Dean and Head of the School of Architecture and Environment at UWE Bristol. Matthew’s practice research explores the role of design in creating thriving and resilient towns, high streets and smaller communities. Matthew’s PhD by design explored place specific approaches to the development of rural towns and has extensive experience working in smaller communities as a designer, facilitator and advocate. This work culminated in the recently published RIBA book ‘Transforming Towns: Designing for Smaller Communities’, where he argues that designers have a vital role in exploring how we might adapt and transform our towns to help them thrive. Matthew continues to explore these themes through teaching, artist residencies, events and workshops, co-design, architecture and urban design, university-community collaborations, community-led planning and academic research and teaching. He is a member of West Midlands Combined Authority's Town Centre Task Force and an Advocate in Practice for Design Commission for Wales.

Dr Matthew Jones
