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Satish Jassal

The majority of his time is spent working on projects from conception to completion. His experience ranges from one-off domestic houses, residential apartments, office fit-outs, landscape design and educational buildings, to regenerating areas and transforming large parts of cities.

Notably, he worked on the design, detail and delivery of 600 homes and landscapes at the Athletes Village for the London 2012 Olympics and was nominated for the Olympic Delivery Authority award for outstanding leadership. He is currently helping to design a new wave of council homes for Haringey and using the opportunity to improve the environment of existing council estates. He is delivering Haringey’s first net-zero carbon housing projects, giving him expertise in onsite energy production and the embodied carbon of buildings.

As well being a Design Expert Associate for the Design Council, he also sits on the Harrow Design Review Panel. He has served as chair of Network Homes Housing Association co-regulation review panel, and currently, he is a Non-Executive Director at CDS Co-operatives. This gives him a unique insight into social and community housing.

Satish Jassal
